Friday, October 30, 2009

Shoe Mania

Its interesting to see how trends evolve from being experimental to religiously followed fashions. Shoes are the most important accessory being as important as clothes and also contributing to maximum sales in any stores. Various kinds of colorful sneakers have been done by a lot of fashion brands such as Nike, Puma and Adidas but its not just the sneaker companies anymore. These shoes are from some store in London and they effectively demonstrate good use of colors to make a perfect example of stylishly fashionable, fun footwear.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Whip it !

I saw this movie(Whip It) last week and it was great to see how certain trends like Punk and Hiphop keep evolving in new ways. This roller derby flick is all set to revive the harsh punk look to make it more soft and dewy and the inorganized hiphop look to a more chic one. Ellen Page has a very relaxed style of the 80's with leggings, skirts and t's and she has enough Impact to inspire a whole new generation. The movie has great reviews and might as well genrate a new trend called the Derby girl trend!